This won’t be the only mega-list someone puts out, but it’s mine, and I’m sticking to it. 🙂

I will link out to other as they come online.

Presentations are grouped by category and audience.

CSUN Keynote

Code / Developers

Accessibility Testing – Manual / Automated

Assistive Technology

Guidelines / Style Guides / Code Pattern Libraries

Accessibility Program / Buyin

User Experience / UX / Usability / Design


Editorial / Writing

Social Media

Case Studies


Legal and Government


Conference Notes

Photo memories from CSUN 2017

Hall at Grand Manchester Hyatt
View out window of Grand Manchester Hyatt
Tacos ... oh the tacos
ARIA wooden cat
Web dudes
Guide dog lying on floor
Stevie Wonder
At the pub talking accessibility
Marcy Sutton
Jamie Knight
Guide dog, upclose
Google Party at Puesto
Google Part at Puesto
Proposed A11Y sticker
I look forward to the day when designers and developers finally realize the power they have over my ability to succeed. - Anjit Beckett
Make accessibility great again
View from Grand Manchester Hyatt
IMpairment + Environment = Disability
A large black poodle as a guide dog. Sheds less, less alergens
role=drinks meetup
Lainey Feingold and the Legal Update
7 minute testing with Aidan Tierney style=
Gareth Ford Williams talking fonts and accessibility
Target presenter explaining cost of accessibility bugs in the wild; 1x in design, 6.5x in development, 15x in testing, 100x in the wild
Guide dog asleep under chair
Marcy Sutton's guide for including accessibility into the dev workflow
Terrill Thompson speaking on Audio Description
Laptop stickers
Gareth Ford Williams