I’ve seen some bad ideas in navigation, but this subtle one takes the cake (a nice German Chocolate cake). Typically when you see navigation, you see a list of links. Click on the link, you go to the next page. Wrong. On this particular site (nameless), which was recently redesigned (and nicely by the way),…
Easy Keyword Research with New Google Search Results
Google recent released a change to its search engine results page. While the change is subtle, one of the new features is a handy, easy to access tool for performing keyword research for optimizing your web site for the search engines.
Improve Website Relevance & Conversion via Google Analytics
Search engine optimization is an ongoing task that covers a variety of aspects of your website. One item of note is the relevancy of your landing pages. I’m not referring to search engine ranking, but meeting the expectation of site visitors when they first arrive on your site. Here’s an exercise that can improve your…