One Secret to Email Marketing

A brief diversion from my “Learning JavaScript” series, to discuss a major secret in email marketing. I call it “Single Theme to Right Audience.” The idea is this; when you send out your blast emails, make sure you’re sending the value that your recipients opted-in for. Now, for some businesses, that’s simple. Say you sell…

Learning JavaScript

Things come easy, things come difficult. For the past 17+ years, I’ve created websites. HTML, XHTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, you name it, I’ve done it. I’ve even used Flash, JavaScript and jQuery to enhance my sites. Again, I’ve used JavaScript & jQuery, but I haven’t known it up to this point. I’ve spent over a…

Twitter Discussion on Web Industry Job Titles: Designer

There’s two things that befuddle me (well, there are more, but I digress…). Job titles in the web/internet industry and Twitter. I love Twitter. I primarily use Twitter to follow my mentors and peers in the web/Internet industry. One thing though that frustrates me to no end is that lack of dialog, discussion. I’m also…

Time for Restaurants to Get Their Websites Right

I previously wrote about an experience where a restaurant forced me to visit their website for their menu, only to discover that their website (including their menu) were in Flash. Recently, I again had the need to lookup a restaurants menu online, via a mobile device. This time, the menu was in PDF format, making…

The latest…

It’s been a while since I last posted to the blog here. A lot of things have happened in my live, both professionally and personally. I’ll cover the professional here. In June, I started a contract gig at United Airlines as a HTML Developer. Hands-on, indeed. It has been an adventure and a great experience.…

Improve Website Relevance & Conversion via Google Analytics

Search engine optimization is an ongoing task that covers a variety of aspects of your website. One item of note is the relevancy of your landing pages. I’m not referring to search engine ranking, but meeting the expectation of site visitors when they first arrive on your site. Here’s an exercise that can improve your…

Do Online Presentations Right

I’ve done several presentations in my time. They tend to be text heavy, as I want the presentation to have value long after I’ve delivered it. In the last several years, there’s been a trend in the Internet community to give presentations where primarily supportive imagery is displayed on the slide, while the presenter talks…