I just returned from attending a web-related event, WordCamp Chicago. It reminded me how valuable these type of events are. Not only for the formal presentations, but also for the networking and connecting with like-minded people with similar interests.
There are a few excuses I frequently hear for not being able to attend a web event; money and time.
Yes, some web conferences can run an individual over $1000 dollars, especially if travel expenses are involved. However, not all events are this pricey. Take for instance the event I just return from, WordCamp Chicago. For $40 ($30 for early bird pricing), I attended a two-day conference with valuable presentations from leaders in the WordPress community. Several of the presentations were inspiring and addressed current issues related to my web development qnd personal interests. Not to mention the networking with people with similar interests, hopefully building long-term relationships. And don’t forget the plethora of local meetups that charge just a few bucks. Still can’t swing it or are inverted? ? If you’re a member of Twitter, you can follow along with the discussion on events such as An Event Apart via hashtags.
Time a factor? Most meetups are held after work or even on the weekend. You can spare a couple hours a month, can’t you?
Take time out of your busy, hectic life to attend a web conference, seminar or meetup. You’ll thank me.
What’s your favorite web event? Share in the comments below.
Just learned that An Event Apart is coming to Chicago in 2012.
Here’s the complete list of cities and dates for 2012.