I’ve seen some bad ideas in navigation, but this subtle one takes the cake (a nice German Chocolate cake). Typically when you see navigation, you see a list of links. Click on the link, you go to the next page. Wrong. On this particular site (nameless), which was recently redesigned (and nicely by the way),…
When Bad User Experience is Embarrassing
I admit it … I’m a user experience geek. And at times, I can drive my wife nuts. On a recent shopping mall outing, my wife and I paid a visit to an upscale department store, just to use the facilities (of course). While waiting for my wife, I observed a major user experience flaw.…
Gaining Insight for Website Improvement
This topic was presented at the October 2011 Chicago Web Professionals Meetup. Gaining Insight for Website Improvement View more presentations from Dennis Deacon.
Time for Restaurants to Get Their Websites Right
I previously wrote about an experience where a restaurant forced me to visit their website for their menu, only to discover that their website (including their menu) were in Flash. Recently, I again had the need to lookup a restaurants menu online, via a mobile device. This time, the menu was in PDF format, making…
It’s Never Simple – Coupons
I recently searched the web for some deals on a new product I had tried out. Visiting the manufacturer’s website, I discovered a coupon offering decent savings. You had to provide your contact information, which for me was a decent exchange for the coupon’s value. I completed the form and submitted it.