Things come easy, things come difficult. For the past 17+ years, I’ve created websites. HTML, XHTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, you name it, I’ve done it. I’ve even used Flash, JavaScript and jQuery to enhance my sites. Again, I’ve used JavaScript & jQuery, but I haven’t known it up to this point. I’ve spent over a…
Twitter Discussion on Web Industry Job Titles: Designer
There’s two things that befuddle me (well, there are more, but I digress…). Job titles in the web/internet industry and Twitter. I love Twitter. I primarily use Twitter to follow my mentors and peers in the web/Internet industry. One thing though that frustrates me to no end is that lack of dialog, discussion. I’m also…
Time for Restaurants to Get Their Websites Right
I previously wrote about an experience where a restaurant forced me to visit their website for their menu, only to discover that their website (including their menu) were in Flash. Recently, I again had the need to lookup a restaurants menu online, via a mobile device. This time, the menu was in PDF format, making…
It’s Never Simple – Coupons
I recently searched the web for some deals on a new product I had tried out. Visiting the manufacturer’s website, I discovered a coupon offering decent savings. You had to provide your contact information, which for me was a decent exchange for the coupon’s value. I completed the form and submitted it.
Delving into a Website the Wrong Way
— “Put the cart before the horse.” Why do website owner’s do this? All the time? They come up with a great website element or feature. Then, they build the site around it. But they forget the primary reason for the site. The goal. Increase sales. Sell books. Increase downloads of brochures. They’ll all agree…
The Way We Build Websites
Late last year, I wanted to verify thoughts I had on web design and the industry, specifically related to the web design process. I tapped my network at LinkedIn to poll. The results are definitely not scientific, as the questions were polled at different times, with different responders. Consider this just a quick check into…
Text-Decoration vs. Border-Bottom
The topic of using text-decoration versus border-bottom for hyperlinks recently cross my mind. To be honest, I had never consider the effects and impacts of these two different implementations. However, since playing with these concepts, it has become quite an important usability item to me.
Modular CSS – Flexible Web Design
I really don’t know the official term to describe this method. It’s not new, by all means. However, it’s a powerful method of using CSS code & classes effectively and efficiently. Multiple CSS Classes First, you may not be aware that you can use multiple css classes on elements. Example: <p class=”classone classtwo”></p> Here’s where…
Great New Web Design Podcast
Just learned of a great new web design podcast. The Pipeline, hosted by Dan Benjamin, features interviews with leading designers, developers, writers, and entrepreneurs. The first episode featured Jeffrey Zeldman, designer, founder of ALA. I found this to be the best interview with Jeffrey. Other shows feature interviews with Ryan Carson and Jason Fried, with…
Let’s Eliminate Sexism in the Web Industry
My typical post center around sharing my knowledge and experience with other web professionals. This particular post will depart from the norm and cover the very important topic of diversity & respect in the web industry, specifically related to gender. I recently attended the 200th episode of the Boagworld podcast. The podcast celebrated by spanning…
Too Much Emphasis De-emphasizes Content
Early in my web career, say 2000, I was always told to limit what you emphasize. The theory is that the more you emphasize, the less something is emphasized. I remember debating with several content producers on this topic.
User Experience and Mobile Flash
I recently had a bad experience at a local restaurant. So what does that have to do with web design? My wife & I were told to view the carryout menu online. As we were physically at the restaurant, we attempted to view the menu on the restaurant’s website from our smart phones. That failed,…
Update Your Copyright Date Automatically
It’s a new year, and it’s time to get back to work. So why do your websites still read © last year or worse? Most web site owners forget to update their copyright date. And it’s easy to understand why. For most sites, the footer, where the copyright date usually sits, is below the fold…
December Chicago Dreamweaver Meetup Wrap-up
We are truly blessed. No, I’m not getting religious. As a web professional, we here in Chicago are truly bless.
CSS Styling for ASP.NET Applications
I just concluded a month long, onsite project for a mid-to-large sized company. The project was to consolidate several client-side applications into one web-based application for corporate & field employees. It was personally rewarding on several levels (besides financial). First, got to work with a company that has a seemingly great culture of teamwork and…