They always say never blog while emotional. Oh, well, here goes nothing. Is “platformism” the new racism? I’ve just become scorned by a recent discount offer for an ebook. Seeing the fantastic offer (.99 cents) in my Facebook feed, I thought, “why not?” Clicking through, I quickly found out why not.
Just Go (to a Web Event)
I just returned from attending a web-related event, WordCamp Chicago. It reminded me how valuable these type of events are. Not only for the formal presentations, but also for the networking and connecting with like-minded people with similar interests. There are a few excuses I frequently hear for not being able to attend a web…
New Website
Well, the planets all lined up again. Which meant, my intent to redesign my personal website had to be placed on hold. Yet, moving off of a web host and getting things updated took precedence. So with that, here’s the latest website redesign. It’s based on the wpFolio WordPress theme, with just a few customizations.…
Previous Blog Posts
My previous blog posts will remain on the platform for historical purposes. View past blog posts (pre-Oct. 25, 2009)…