Is “platformism” the new racism?
I’ve just become scorned by a recent discount offer for an ebook. Seeing the fantastic offer (.99 cents) in my Facebook feed, I thought, “why not?” Clicking through, I quickly found out why not.
Requirements: This book requires iBooks 1.3.1 or later and iOS 4.3.3 or later. Books can only be viewed using iBooks on an iPad, iPhone (3G or later), or iPod touch (2nd generation or later).
As an Android user, I was miffed. What does an ebook packed with information have to do with the platform of my phone? Why am I not able/allowed to purchase this ebook? Because I’m an Android?
The Days of Segregation
Back in the days of Jim Crow laws, people were forced to use public facilities based on their color. And we all remember these days on the Interwebs…
Do we really want to go there? Yet, many are.
Best Practice: Use Standard Platforms, Technologies
Creating content, tools or features for one segment of the audience is plain bad. Bad business, bad for brand, bad practice. Doing so isolates everyone else. If no alternatives, yes, some will adopt the trendy platform. But others will simply rebel. Why do we need this?
Folks, if your going to create something, cover all platforms (at least all the popular ones with a sizable audience, making it worth your while). Hell, many sites still support IE6, yet we won’t support non-iOS? Support this: Web Standards.
‘Nuff said. Off my soapbox.
P.S. Would love to hear your comments on this.