Say you’re demo-ing how a screen reader reads a page at work. The you want to add your thoughts or feedback, and don’t wish to speak over the screen reader voice. Or, the people you are demo-ing to have their hands over their ears (I’ve experienced this). NVDA: Press Shift JAWs: Press Control VoiceOver: Press…
Quotable Quotes from CSUN 2017
On Accessibility “80% of people who use captions aren’t deaf or hard of hearing and there 48 million Americans with hearing loss.” @3PlayMedia
CSUN 2017 Megalist of Presentation Resources for Digital Professionals
This won’t be the only mega-list someone puts out, but it’s mine, and I’m sticking to it. 🙂 I will link out to other as they come online.
How We Stream and Record our Meetup Events
I love to teach. I love to provide information that helps people excel. As organizer of a digital accessibility meetup, I strongly believe that recording our meetup events (where appropriate) benefits everyone, both those that attend in person, as well as those digesting the video stream. As many meetups don’t do this, for various reasons,…
Virtual Hosts for MAMP-Based Local Web Development on macOS Sierra
I decided to write this post for two reasons; 1.) as a personal reference and 2.) to share what I learned so that others might get to their goal quicker. Some Background Skip to the actual steps… I’m fairly new to the Mac, have transitioned from the PC full time a couple years ago. I…
Advertising and Accessibility
I’ve found it very difficult to find solid information on how to make online advertising accessible. Interestingly enough, most of the information I did find was research performed during the early part of this century. Had nothing changed? After a couple of years experience, I’ve come up with some foundational guidance for online advertising. As…
An Open Letter to All CSUN 2016 Presenters and Speakers
Although this post is geared toward the upcoming 2016 CSUN conference, this request is for any and all conference, meetup and webinar presenters. Post your presentations online, and provide the URL before you begin your presentation and after your presentation.
Upcoming Accessibility Event: Cultural Accessibility at the MCA Chicago
As organizer of a local digital accessibility meetup, I’m always looking for local accessibility wins, case studies that others can experience and learn from.
How we code (for accessibility)
This post results from the need to validate a personal viewpoint I had related to coding for accessibility. The Gist Via Twitter and Survey Monkey, I polled anyone who would give the topic a little attention the following question: Related to accessibility, how do you code?
Twitter accounts every Accessibility person must follow – Part One
Stemming from a recent post on the Twitter accounts every designer must follow, and timed coincidently when I was planning to send out several “FollowFriday” tweets, I’m sharing a list of the people you must follow on Twitter if you have any interest in digital accessibility. And as I fall under the category of “human,”…
Yeah, I know, not accessible
Recently, I posted some resources from a recent accessibility conference. And the post has become fairly popular. Which scares me.
2015 CSUN Wrap-up
I attended my first International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference (or CSUN as most attendees call it). I can honestly say, I was humbled and overwhelmed simultaneously. The 30th annual CSUN 2015 was held in San Diego the first week of March. Held over five days, the week offered two days of eight workshops,…
Is Compliance enough?
I’m presently involved in an initiative to improve the accessibility of our online properties, something that I am truly digging. While I realize how little I know about making things more accessible, it’s exciting to discover best practices and techniques to make things more accessible for all users.
2013 Wrap-up
As 2013 comes to an end, as any year does, I become reflective on the year’s events; the accomplishments, the regrets and the seeds for goals in the new year.
An Extra Click?
I’ve seen some bad ideas in navigation, but this subtle one takes the cake (a nice German Chocolate cake). Typically when you see navigation, you see a list of links. Click on the link, you go to the next page. Wrong. On this particular site (nameless), which was recently redesigned (and nicely by the way),…
Time Flies…
I knew I hadn’t updated my blog in some time, but almost a year? Oy! Shortly after my last blog post, I accepted a position as a front-end web developer at United Airlines in their eCommerce Production area. The great thing is that as a post-merger organization, there’s lots of change, lots of systems and…
Wanted: UX / Front-End Web Designer/Developer Opportunity
Opportunity Summary Location: Chicago, IL (Target range: Downtown Chicago north through Northern Suburbs Employee Type: Full-Time Preferred, will consider Long-term Contract Industry: Open Job Type: Internet, Design, Marketing Education: High School, Some College Experience: 18 years Travel: Negligible Post Date: 4/23/2012
Let’s Rid the World of Platformism
They always say never blog while emotional. Oh, well, here goes nothing. Is “platformism” the new racism? I’ve just become scorned by a recent discount offer for an ebook. Seeing the fantastic offer (.99 cents) in my Facebook feed, I thought, “why not?” Clicking through, I quickly found out why not.
Sunstone Tours & Cruises
This was a redesign project for a long-time client, a niche travel agency located in Malibu, California. The lead-generation website features small-ship adventure cruise vacations, targeting retirees and affluent professionals.
When Bad User Experience is Embarrassing
I admit it … I’m a user experience geek. And at times, I can drive my wife nuts. On a recent shopping mall outing, my wife and I paid a visit to an upscale department store, just to use the facilities (of course). While waiting for my wife, I observed a major user experience flaw.…